The good thing: we can translate to any latin/cyrilic language. 3 - Some HEAVY bugs that made me have endless nights, like 'loading game slot corruption'. 2 - The heavy AS3 conversion back in the beginning of 2016.

The 'problems': 1 - the 'LALEM' bug (you can search this thread for this terrible bug) that made me remake the entire level system. Well, we are in the end of 2017 and the game is not yet completed. Well, in the 'golden times' (20), where we had a bigger team, QuizMasterBoos made a funny picture showing that MIM PUT would be 'only completed' in 2015 (and he was a bit angry due to this) as he imagined it being finished in 2014. I'll answer you here and I'll update page 1. Moosen Wrote:Not sure if you have answered this, but when do you believe that you will be able to finish up on this game? As well as, do you think you will work on Legend of Krystal AE when finished with PUT? Some people asked me about this in a PM.